Coney Hill Baptist Church

Easter plans

The arrangements for Easter are as follows:

Maundy Thursday (28th March) – 8 pm Shared Communion with St. John’s, here at Coney Hill.

Good Friday (29th March) – 9.30 am Hayes Walk of Witness, starting at Hayes Village Hall

10.30 am Churches Together in Hayes joint Service @ Hayes Free Church

11.00 am Churches Together in West

Wickham Joint Service @ St. Francis (Ian preaching)

Easter Sunday (31st March) – 8.30 am Morning Communion

9.00 am Easter Breakfast

10.30 am Easter Family Service

Easter is a time for the church community to come together to mourn the death of our Lord Jesus Christ on Good Friday, to rest on Easter Saturday and rejoice on Easter Sunday with our risen Saviour.

With this in mind, we are celebrating with breakfast after communion on Easter Sunday 31st March. 

What is coming next? I have asked Sarah, our church administrator, to reserve the hall from 11.30 am on Easter Saturday, 30th March so we can prepare. If you are able and willing to come and help there will be plenty to do and, as the saying goes, many hands make light work. There is a signup sheet at the back of the church for the Easter Breakfast. Please sign up by 24th March.

If you have any allergies or intolerances please speak to Christine or Val.

Easter Breakfast Menu

  • Orange juice
  • Bacon Roll
  • Sausage in a roll
  • Cereals
  • Yoghurt
  • Croissant
  • Hot Cross buns
  • Toast
  • Tea and Coffee