Coney Hill Baptist Church

The Wide World

Though a local church living our faith where we are, we are also excited we belong to a worldwide family. We love to engage with God’s people across the globe in different ways, especially to encourage the building of God’s kingdom among the poor and the marginalised.


Since 2005, a young church member has provided hospitality for a Haitian pastor visiting the UK.

We have been involved in setting up a charity to help finance a new hospital in the northern part of this impoverished country. 

A first visit was made in Dec. 2005 and again in October 2006 to refurbish and open a new clinic. The opening of a respite home for children with disabilities followed. Since the earthquake in 2010, a cholera treatment centre, a spinal rehab unit, and a maternity and pediatric unit have also been built.

Please visit for more details.


Closer to home but still representing an opportunity to engage in World Wide Mission on our doorstep, London City Mission is an organisation we support in many ways. Not least by our popular annual ‘Toy Service’ on the first Sunday of December each year.


We have had links with a church in Valea Lui Mihai, North-Western Romania, 5km from the Hungarian border over several years.

We regularly visit, running children’s holiday clubs in the summer and, most recently, sending a team out to help set up a preschool.

We have also supported the church by building an ambitious new premises.


Another agency supported by our church is OMF International. In particular, the work, among students and others in Taiwan, of Martin and Angela Symonds.  


We are committed supporters of BMS World Mission, formerly the Baptist Missionary Society, the longest-serving missionary agency in the world. Our particular link missionaries are Paul & Sarah Brown, who work with ‘Nightlight’ in Bangkok. You can follow their work on their website blog here.