Coney Hill Baptist Church

Prison Fellowship

PF’s mission is to show Christ’s love to people in prison by coming
alongside them and supporting them. We seek through prayer and
practical care to help, support and develop a Christian ministry to
people in prison and their families.

Hayes Christmas Lights

Churches Together in Hayes
have been invited to sing a
few carols at the Christmas
lights event, just before the
Mayor switches them on.

October Community Lunch

A very big thank you again for
everyone who helped to make this another very successful
lunch. The extra help we had in the kitchen as a result of
Ian’s request was literally a godsend.


We will be celebrating Harvest this year on 5th and 6th October.

Stay & Play Cafe, volunteers needed

As you may well be aware, we
are planning on starting up a
new activity, after the summer,
replacing our Parent & Toddler
group, and building on our
occasional ‘Stay & Play’ events.

Celebration of 30 years of Ian and Metsy’s ministry at Coney Hill.

Celebration of 30 years of Ian and Metsy’s ministry at Coney Hill. 21 June 2024 Please note the change of time 14th July 1.00 pm in the Hall. We are planning to have a Bring and Share lunch for this. There is a list at the back of the church for contributions to the lunch. If you…