Coney Hill Baptist Church

Prayer Booklet

GREETINGS Dear Friends,

I hope you have all experienced God’s Love, Peace and Joy this past week. I have but there have also been some low moments for me this week too as we navigate through life we will have hilltops and deep valleys to walk through.
I am praying for those of you who have poor health and are feeling a tad miserable. I made a ‘Prayer booklet’ inspired by a reading on the Lectio 365 App. The folk I have shared it with are older and don’t have a smartphone, plus their eyesight wouldn’t be able to read the small print on my phone.  
 So I typed out a couple of Bible verses and a Prayer for people who may find it helpful. I have read it through with folk and then left it with them so they could use it as a prayer aid after I was gone. 
(please write their name between the brackets where God says “I know you by name”)
May God bless us each and every one
Sue x 
You can download the booklet from our Digital Hub here