Coney Hill Baptist Church


Thank you for the newsletter

Thank you for the newsletter, Sue. I was especially pleased to read Helen’s item about Claire and Katrina who were in the Girls Brigade and their appreciation of all we did for them.

We were a huge company of 70 girls aged from 5-18 and many of the older girls became officers or moved to Christian service elsewhere. 

We were a large team of officers and leaders each of us fulfilling a different but integral role. The girls heard the gospel each week especially when we took them away for a week’s camp. What fun that was !!!

It is always good to hear what happened to the girls. We have a neighbour across the road and her sister who were in the brigade as was James’s neighbour. The wife of the pastor of Bromley Town church was an officer and so it goes on.

Now our mission field is elsewhere but so it goes on.


My thanks to Christine for sending me the above email, and for allowing me to publish it here in our newsletter. It’s always an encouragement to me to hear from our readers. Ed.